What Am I Doing? College Sucks.

Does anyone know?

So, firstly, let me say that as of today I am pulling A's and B's in all of my college courses for the first time in two years. Unfortunately, I believe that's about to change and I'm terrified. I'm horrible and I mean absolutely horrible at Chemistry. Plus I'm at a point right now where I need to know every bone of the body and their features by Thursday of this coming week. Which, as I would like to point out, is the same day I have my Chem exam. I am currently in four classes, two of them Chemistry, one Anatomy and Physiology, and the other a math class.

I'm not smart enough for these classes and while my grades are fine now, they won't be for long. In fact, I'll take a shot in the dark and say that if anyone reads this and happens to be good at any of these subjects or has any tips on how to remember/learn in these classes you could message me and make my world a little less dramatic as it crashes down around me.

I know what you're thinking as you read this too. Why don't you get off of Mibba and go study?

Well, I've been studying or doing some form of homework since somewhere around 10 this morning and it's 8 pm now. So I'm taking a break, but technically it's not really a break because I keep glancing down at my bone list in front of me as I write this.

Anyone else here in college?
Do you feel like your drowning too or is it just me?
Some sort of advice that isn't, "get a tutor", would be greatly appreciated. (I've heard from numerous of my fellow classmates that the tutors in my school are just other students who want the money and just sit there and make you feel stupid for not understanding. I've heard they make fun of you on occasion too.)

Anywhoo, I'm sorry for the rant/complaining that no one wants to read, but I'm just lost and needed somewhere to get it out.
October 3rd, 2015 at 03:20am