
I am usually a rational person, but none of what we have is rational. We don't have time to be in a relationship or the emotional stability to maintain one, but that doesn't seem to matter. When we're together the pieces just seem to fit together. If I look back on the last few years I think the rest of the universe was trying to push us together. We must've just missed crossing paths about a thousand times before we finally collided head on. I guess that was just the universe's way of making sure that the crash was a devastating, tragic disaster in the middle of a four lane highway, and not just a fender bender on a one-way dirt road. We're both so oblivious, anything less and we might not have noticed.
We applied to the same colleges, and we were accepted into the same scholarship programs. We have the same friends. I was supposed to replace a singer in the same band you just started drumming in, but I somehow ended up in your friend's band instead. I was invited to a party you were throwing my last year of college, and I should have gone, I changed my mind at the last minute, but I didn't want to go alone. We were just slipping past one another until that night we finally took our eyes off the road and we crashed.

You seem to have this power over me that I don't understand. You enrage me and turn me into an irrational lunatic, but just one look and I mellow. With everyone else I've fought through all the calming gestures. I've yelled, I've shrieked, I've turned red with rage and green with envy but your fingertips and lips are the answer to all of the things I want to scream about.

Nights like tonight are what I crave. Nights when I'm so angry it feels like my head is going to explode and my veins are going to burst with fury, and then suddenly, you touch me and it all comes to a screeching halt. You reach for my hand and all the anger melts away and leaves me cool and collected. The nights when we can just collapse on the couch in each other's arms and nothing else matters--except for the fact that your football team lost.
October 5th, 2015 at 06:34am