Tis the Halloween Season...

Hi Mibba,

I want to talk, today, about the most wonderful time of year. Everyone else thinks Christmas time is amazing, but I’ve never seen snow in December so it’s not all that great for me. I like getting to see my family, sure, and the food is great, but it’s not Halloween.

This time of year there’s a certain mystery in the air. You can be anyone you want to be, anything you want to be in October. The leaves are starting to change colors and fall off the trees. Right now, it’s a beautiful, colorful, perfect time. What more could you ask for?

Plus… have you guys seen the movie ideas? The book ideas? All based on the Halloween season. I mean, can Christmas come up with its own movie titled Psycho? I think not… unless, you know, you count that dude in the red suit that smiles way to much trying to come down your chimney after he ate all that turkey at Thanks giving… That is psychotic… right? :) (Sorry Sandy Claws!)

What do you guys think?
What’s your favorite time of year?
And what are you going to be for Halloween?
October 8th, 2015 at 06:30pm