Dear Beau Hunk

Dear Beau Hunk,

I never thought that I would be writing this kind of statement to you. In the words of a typical girl, "I thought you were different." That's a dangerous thought to have, that someone is different. That the feelings you start having for someone won't result in another heart break or making yourself too vulnerable. Well, it happened again, didn't it. I let my guard down because you let me think that YOU were different. How wrong was I? Thank you for giving me yet another reason to leave up the ever growing taller walls that surround my heart. Thank you for giving me another reason not to trust the male species with anything. And thank you, for letting me experience what it was like to have a normal functioning heart before you decided it would be a good idea to smash it, just like you've done with many before mine. I THOUGHT YOU WERE DIFFERENT. How stupid could I possibly have been? The people I look up to, whether it is a professor, a peer, a friend, or a family member, always have told me how important it is to take risks. It's been going so well for me so far. Here I was, thinking that you might care for me in a way that no man has dared to for a long time. That I could wait for you and then we could be together, because we could have been happier. Oh no! Why would I ever be allowed to be happy? Why would I be allowed to be the girl who gets the guy that SHE wants and can be in love with no fear? That just wouldn't make sense. You know, all of this wouldn't have sucked so much if you would have just told me the truth from the beginning. Why did you have to lie to me about so many things for so long? If you lied to me about not wanting to be in a relationship, what else was a lie, and what else does she not know? Does she know about me? Are you going to be honest with her? Most importantly, are you going to be honest with yourself and realize how much of a piece of stool you are? I hope that you get the chance, in the near future, to feel how I feel. All of the anger, the confusion, the sadness, the betrayal, and the loneliness. I hope it hurts. I hope that she breaks your heart just like you broke mine. I thought you were different...that you would never do this. I was wrong. I should have known from the moment I saw you pick up that bass and play it that was your strategy for women as well. All you do is play people, and some day, it will come back to bite you in the ass. I may not be perfect. I may need more attention or I may need a few more words of encouragement than most. I may not be beautiful or have a nice body, but I am honest and true and I try to be a good person. I want to hate you so much. I want to hurt you like you hurt me, but I can't, because I'm not like that. I hate you, Beau Hunk. I hate you and I hate what you stand for. You're not special. You're not different. You're the same as everyone else, which is one of the worst possibly things you can be.
October 10th, 2015 at 09:32pm