For Whoever Comes Next

In light of my recent break up I don't feel much like doing anything. It hurts that its over, and I'm not really letting myself entertain the idea of reconciliation, and I realize that someone will inevitably come into his life and he'll have time for a relationship. And she'll probably be tall and blonde and smart and amazing. But this is my open letter to her:

1. I really don't want to tell you this because you're you. But kisses on his neck are his kryptonite. Kiss him under his ear and he will be putty in your delicate hands. He will need you to break him down.
2. Understand that he's busy. If you let him know that you understand and he feels supported he will hold you on the highest pedestal he can build in his mind. He will build a larger one if those in his dreams aren't big enough to match the one in his heart.
3. He's stoic. He can be so sweet and warm and gentle, but he comes off cold and stoic. Remember the nights that he holds you as close to his chest as physically possible and wraps his arms around you. Remember the nights he texts you because he got up to get water and all he could think about was you.
4. He's the world's shittiest texter. You will want to kill him because he won't answer you for the better part of a day, but when he answers you he's sincerely sorry he didn't have a chance to earlier.
5. He thinks very logically and there's no room for error. Sometimes you need to stand back and just watch.
6. If he calls you at two in the morning to go get coffee with him, go. I don't care if its ten degrees out and you're in bed. He needs you, and he might be absent from your life when you need him, but he'll make up for it when he can.
7. There's so much more to him than his love for Jager and the Cowboys and his studying habits, and it takes time to see that.
8. Let him pay when you go out. He believes in being chivalrous. He will open doors, spoil you and cherish you. Let him.
9. Make sure you hold him when he needs it. Refuse to let go. Run your fingers through his hair and kiss his forehead. Squeeze him hand and let him know it will be okay
10. Love him. Love him fast. Love him hard. Love him with everything that you have because he deserves it and he will give it all back and then some. Love him. And let him love you.

There's so much more I could say that I can't put into words. But you'll learn if he lets you.
Just take good care of him because I can't do it anymore.
October 11th, 2015 at 01:36am