Livin' the Fall Life & Aesthetic!

Just kidding, that title is incredible misleading.

I actually don't love fall that much. In Canada, at least where I live, it means getting that gross chill in the air where you know winter is coming but you just don't know when. You have to leave earlier to scrape off your car in the morning. People get super freaking excited about it and all I see on facebook are posts about how great fall is.

I dunno, maybe it's just my inner hipster wanting to avoid the cliche, mainstream season lmao. Either way I'm more of a Spring person.

There are some aspects of fall that I like though!

Pumpkin Everything
I love pumpkin. Pumpkin pie, pumpkin cake, pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin candles. And fall is the time when I can get pumpkin everywhere because it's basically the smell of the season and it's fantastic.

Sweaters and Scarves
Sweaters are my jam. Half of my closet is filled with sweaters and it makes me sad when I can't wear them during the summer (well, I can, I just get hot af). So it makes me super excited when the weather gets cold and I can throw on a hoodie with my leggings and be good to go. Easiest outfit ever. And sometimes, when I want to put more effort in, I bring out the long sleeves and hoodless sweaters and throw on a scarf and call it a day. I need to expand my scarf collection though, I pretty much just wear my black one with everything.

I pretty much wear Toms every day of my life, except in the fall when I can wear knee high boots with cute boot socks. Or ankle boots. Or any boots. So good.

I'm sure there's more, but yeah, I kind just like specific things about fall and not so much the entire season. Whoops.



The lovely cis. made the greatest candy bowl ever and I requested an aesthetic for my story Aphrodite, which you may or may not know is my favourite thing I've ever written.

ANYWAYS, she messaged me earlier and finished it and omg guys. It's gorgeous. JUST LOOK


October 11th, 2015 at 09:18pm