Day 6 of 31: My Favorite Season

Get ready to get blown up by me, Mibba! I’m 8 days behind on my blog challenge, but I plan to write every single one of them tonight, and post them. I must finish! I will overcome!
My favorite season is winter. I absolutely love the cold and snow. There is something that warms my heart about winter, even though the frigid temperatures chill everything else!

These are a few of my favorite things about winter:

Peppermint and Pumpkin everything!

I’m a sucker for anything peppermint and pumpkin. Pumpkin isn’t just a fall thing! It extends all the way into November for Thanksgiving, which I consider to be winter. Pumpkin pie, oh my gahhhh! After pumpkin everything ends, peppermint everything begins! Peppermint hot chocolate is a way to win my trust. Peppermint kisses. Candy canes! I can’t. I’m so excited for it to happen again in a few months.

The Holidays

I’m pretty much a Grinch all year round, but as soon as December 1st hits, I’m a completely different person. The feeling of the holidays always cheers me up. I love the messages sent. I love the cheerful feeling everyone gets. I am in love with Christmas time. I live in a relatively mild area, but sometimes it snows here and it is the most magical thing! I’ve never seen anything more beautiful than a dead tree covered in snow and ice.

The Fashion

I absolutely love to layer in winter! Give me a cute dress, leggings, boots, scarf and a coat over a bathing suit any day! I’m a modest dresser anyway, but winter just gives me an excuse to lay it on thick. I also love the rich colors that are popular in winter time. Dark greens, mustard yellows, dark reds, deep purples, and royal blues.
October 14th, 2015 at 06:01am