Where Have You Been, Ashleigh?

...that's a fairly good question, and to be honest I'm terrified of posting this blog because I don't know if anyone even knows who I am on here anymore. It's been the longest while out of all of the whiles I've been away, and there has been so much going on that it's hard to pick a specific reason that explains why I've been gone for so long.

Firstly, I haven't written since Skin and Bones was published, which is something that makes me very sad. I have the most awful case of writer's block I've ever experienced, so most of the time I just write poetry and jumbled thoughts and hope that one day I'll open up a document and be able to write.

Skin and Bones is doing amazingly well, which really, really surprised me! I'm not sure if anyone here has purchased it/seen it in stores, but if you have I'm super grateful and overall just weepy with gratitude. Unfortunately, publishing a book means your family's constantly bugging you about your next one, and there's only so many times I can try to convince them that 'writing is hard' and my last one was a novella -- hence taking not a lot of time, before I want to bang my head against the wall and ask myself: 'why HAVEN'T you got another one going?'

Which I do, kinda. How to Be Human and Defiance are the next two to be written, but HtBH needs a whole rewrite and Defiance needs a lot of work. I could be talking to deaf ears right now, because there's a high probability that none of you remember those stories, but I like to ramble here because it's like a diary.

IN OTHER NEWS I travelled throughout Europe for a month in June, and it was the best experience I've ever had in my life. I had my first kiss with a cute German boy in Amsterdam (it was actually really romantic) and met tons of great people & experienced tons of incredible things, and I'm still going through the post-travel blues and wanting to jump on a plane and go back. I finish my psychology degree in two weeks, but these exams are dragging so much.

I dyed my hair too. It's the first time in about ten years that my hair's been a natural colour.

If any of you are out there whom I used to talk to, I honestly miss you all so much. This place was my break from the real world, and it's been an escape that has really been lacking in my life. I just feel bad about coming back when I don't have anything to post. I'm kinda thinking of starting a co-write just to get the creative juices flowing and become a part of the community again, but who knows.

I miss this place so much. Every time I see the name 'Mibba' in my emails it reminds me of all of the good times and of the fantastic, caring people I met on this website. It reminds me of all of the loving support I received on my stories, and I feel sad that I've lost all of that, but I know that publishing (or attempting to publish) is the path that I need to take to fulfill my dreams, so pulling away from here was kinda always going to happen.

What's new around Mibba, guys? I'm too scared to look!

Lastly, I thought I'd leave a few links in case people want to stay connected with me. I'm usually quite private in keeping things like these accounts to myself, but oh well.
my personal tumblr | my twitter | my instagram

Love you all, and I have so much appreciation for all of your talent!
October 14th, 2015 at 10:40am