Favourite Movies of All Times: Part Two

Hello so I am back with continuation of My Favourite Movies of All Times. Another 7 movies another 7 descriptions.


Braveheart: 1995
Okay I honestly cannot remember how old I was when I watched this but I know I was reasonably young, maybe 12-13, but I loved this movie from the start to the end. There are very few Mel Gibson movies I like, I mean I didn’t like the Mad Max movies very much, I have only ever watched maybe one scene from one of the Lethal Weapon movies and there was one with him and Goldie Hawn that I didn’t mind. Oh Pocahontas was another one I liked him in…. even though it’s Disney animation it still counts! Anyway, I can’t remember if it was before or after I watched this movie that I fell in love with Scottish accents! So there is that as well that adds to the movie! But the story line was one that captured me and held me from the start to the end, the battle scenes were amazing and everything that William Wallace went through was just… sad, exhilarating… the list goes on… so yes this is and always will be one of my favourites.

FREEDOM!! <—- If you have seen the movie you will get the reference… I hope.

Gladiator: 2000
Russell Crowe, Ancient Rome and Gladiators need I go on? Once again this was one that I saw a scene from when I was really young but my dad changed the channel, then in year five we were learning about Ancient Rome and Gladiator was put on to see how their camps were set up… So naturally I wanted to watch the whole movie… So I did, it was on the TV one night and dad and I sat down to watch it but I missed some of the start. However like Braveheart this was another one that had me captured from the start to the end. I remember trying so hard no to cry in front of the family in the lounge room so I sat silently with tears streaming down my face. I remember my dad came home one night from shopping and he threw the 10th anniversary DVD of Gladiator into my lap and was so damn happy. YES! Also another thing about the movie can I just point out how well Joaquin Phoenix played such a loathsome character so well!


Troy: 2004
Are you seeing a pattern in this list? Yes majority are historical flicks. Anyways next one being Troy, I have only ever seen Troy a handful of times because sadly I don’t own it. But it is based in Ancient Greece off the Historical event of Troy and it had a stellar cast in it. Brad Pitt, Rose Byrne, Orlando Bloom, Diane Kruger, Eric Bana and many more. If I am being completely honest here, the only reason I continue to watch this movie is because of Eric Bana… Oh and the fact it is based in Ancient Greece.

Robin Hood: 2010
So this movie, yes it is another Russell Crowe movie done by the amazing Ridley Scott who also directed Gladiator! The two of them make a great Duo, much like Johnny Depp and Tim Burton. So Robin Hood was a movie I went to see at the theatre and it didn’t disappoint me. Even though it wasn’t what I thought it would be, it was more of a prequel to the Robin Hood story I know but none the less it was a great movie and I now own it and watch it ever now and again.

Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World: 2003
Yet again another Russell Crowe movie only this time I don’t think it was directed by Ridley Scott and it also stars Paul Bettany. I have only ever watched this once but that was all it took for it to end up on my favourite movies list. Now this movie had me feeling physically sick to the stomach… SPOILER ALERT! because there is a scene where a man is shot and the bullet is lodged underneath his rib cage and seeing as he is the only doctor on the ship he has to get it out himself. So someone cuts him open and he lifts his own ribcage up to pull the bullet out… I am feeling so queazy writing this! When that scene happened I got up and walked around I wasn’t feeling good at all. SPOILER OVER But other then that it was a fantastic movie. I recommend it for others to watch if they haven’t yet.

Anonymous: 2011
For all you Shakespeare lovers out there this one is for you. This is the tale of how Shakespeare himself came to be. Well it is a take on the many myths behind the legendary writer. Truth be told the only reason I watched it was because Jamie Campbell Bower, Xavier Samuels and Rhys Ifans are in it but that is beside the point, it was definitely better then I thought it would be.

The Patriot: 2000
And Lastly another Mel Gibson movie that one of my besties made me watch because she loved it so much… and it had Heath Ledger in it. At first I wasn’t sure but then I watched it and fell in love even though it ran a little more on the longer side. And the badie is Jason Isaacs aka Lucius Malfoy! only instead of blonde hair he has dark hair and it is a little strange haha but such a great story!

So there it is, If you liked any of these or have seen any I would love to know.

Until next time
Cheers Esther :)
October 15th, 2015 at 12:19pm