Reminiscing on My Seven Year Old Mibba Account.

It's weird to just log back in after so many years and find old stories/blogs I'd written almost seven years ago. It's nice, but I can't help but wish I could travel back in time to the writing of my first blog and hit myself in the face with a dictionary. Also, I remember when "blogs" were called "journals". Man I feel old.

To be honest, I'm not even sure why I'm writing this. I think I just wanted to leave a mark, seeing as it's 2015. I think I'll just update my life in this blog, not that any of you care.. Hah.

I wrote my "Red Bull" blog seven years ago. Woah. I discovered there were no traces of any... Bull specimen in the drink, however this no longer matters as I can no longer drink Red Bull or any other high caffeinated drinks, etc energy drinks or 10 cups of coffee in one day.

I also wrote a blog explaining my dream of becoming a Tattoo Artist. I ditched the tattoo idea and am now in fact, a fine artist. Oh yeah, I went there.
I have a foundation degree, and am now working my way through a HND, then an MA degree then finally work on my teaching degree to become a college/university art teacher.

I think it's safe to say I finally know where I'm going and what I want to do with my life, which is nice because I've spent the past 5 years worrying, stressing, doubting myself and my abilities. I'm finally proud of myself and happy with what I'm doing and the choices I've made *victory dance*

Also, hello if you're reading this. I do apologise for this page of rambling, but thank you for reading it :)
October 17th, 2015 at 11:13am