Day 9 of 31: Shiloh

Day 9: Talk about your pets.
I have an amazing cat that I wouldn’t trade for anything. I find him comforting when I am upset, and there is always something else there I can love when I feel alone. I found Shiloh under a trailer home in October of 2013. He was very skinny, and afraid of everything. There weren’t any of cats around, so I figured he got abandon. I took him home with me, and he has slowly melted my heart into a puddle of love liquid. Shiloh is the first cat I’ve ever had that I raised on my own. I’ve had cats my whole life, but my mother or my older sister would always do all the work of raising them as kittens. Shiloh is a rude awakening. I had no idea that a kitten was that hard to take care of. I was a nervous wreck, just like a first time mother usually is. I remember taking him to the vet a few days after I found him, and my hands shaking the entire time the vet was examining him. Was he injured? Was he sick? Does he have feline HIV? Does he have worms? Is he going to live?

“He’s perfect!” the vet said excitedly, as she handed the tiny kitten back over to my worried arms. “He just needs to gain a little weight. No worms. No diseases. No problems. Congratulations on your little boy.”

I burst into tears as soon as I got him back in my car. I had something to take care of, something to love, and he was going to be okay. Shiloh came into my life when I was adjusting to living on my own, going through a rough spot in my love life, and when I was stuck in a miserable job. He probably helped me through that time more than I’d like to admit.
Shiloh recently turned two years old, and he is still the light of my life. Here are pictures. Many pictures.

October 19th, 2015 at 08:50am