What I Love About Fall

What I love about fall is that it's the beginning of the cooler months!!

Summer's great and all, but it is way too hot! When September begins to roll around, there's usually cooler days and that makes me very happy. Of course, the days of 90 degree weather are still around (unfortunately) but sometimes, it's a nice 75 like it was a few days ago.

I also love that it's when my birthday happens! I'm a late September baby, and I was supposed to be an October one (which would have been awesome), but we're still in the fall so meh!

Mibbaween is definitely a big one! I get to dress up (if you couldn't tell I'm the Arkham Knight from the latest Batman game) and I have a candy bowl! I also like participating in candy bowls so leave me yours and you can go check out mine too. ::tehe:

Then HALLOWEEN is a great thing too. I love eating the leftover candy that we have and I usually stash it away, eat a bit, then forget it and have to throw it away and cry.

I love candy way too much!

Not enough, if you ask me.

Anyways, check out my new poem!

Fall in Her Eyes is super cute in my own opinion, but yeah.

Have a great day!
Blog about your favorite aspects of fall or Halloween.
October 21st, 2015 at 10:03am