Day 12 of 31: My Relationship Status

Goodness, how do I even begin with this?

I’m in a relationship, and I am happy. There isn’t many ways I can say that, so I will just tell you the story of how we met and eventually got together. I’ve been with my boyfriend for just shy of a year now, and it’s been an interesting journey. I talked briefly about him in my memories blog, so I will just copy and paste that little section here to begin our story.

In mid-November of 2014, I had just worked a long shift at work, and Amie, my friend and roommate at the time, asked me if I wanted to come over to one of her boyfriend’s friend’s houses because he was having a little get together to make himself feel better. His wife had just cheated on him and left him. I said sure, why not. Anything to help someone out, right? I went to his house, and I remember meeting him like it was yesterday. I came into the house, and he took my hand warmly and said “Hello, my name is Derik. What’s yours?” I loved how direct he was. I loved the cordialness of it. No one ever meets people like that anymore, by just a simple hello. I introduced myself as Cassi, and I left it at that. He was kind, offering me everything under the moon, and I politely declined everything, because I’m awkward. I kind of regret not talking to him more that night. I was tired from work, and shy because there were a lot of people there I didn’t know. Anxiety is a terrible thing. I was attracted to him, but I left it alone because he had literally filed for an annulment on his marriage two days before I met him.

Fast-forward about a month. Amie and I were hosting our company’s Christmas party that year. Amie’s boyfriend, Adam, decided he wanted to come, but he brought Derik so he would have someone to talk to since we would all be chatting about work. It was an ugly sweater Christmas party. I had been slaving over a hot stove for hours making melted snowman cookies, homemade mini pizzas, and several other dishes for my guests to enjoy. Adam and Derik came in, earlier than the rest of the people. During the party, Derik was flirting with one of my co-worker’s friends the entire night. I wasn’t bothered by this…much. He eventually ended up getting her number and setting up a date with her. After the party ended, Derik and I sat out on the balcony of my apartment and we talked for at least an hour, about everything and about nothing. All those talks you have with an acquaintance. After we talked, I settled on being friends with him. He was a cool guy.
Early January came along, and I attended another party at his house. This time I let myself indulge in liquor. We spoke quietly in a corner of his kitchen for the majority of the night. He told me about his date with the girl he met from the Christmas party and how terrible it went, and that he wasn’t going to see her again. I confided in him that I wanted to break up with my boyfriend, and he told me I needed to. Flirtatious jokes were made. I broke up with my boyfriend the next day.

My 23rd birthday, January 15th 2015 was when I realized Derik liked me. We all went out to a local bar to celebrate my birthday, where I was getting completely trashed. Derik showed up with a few of his friends, and sat next to me in the booth. A show downtown was happening that same night, a band I knew Derik liked. A band he told me about before. And he was at my birthday celebration, not the show. That’s the moment I knew I liked him, and that he liked me. I will skip the rest of the details of my birthday. Basically, it was just me getting stupid drunk, having to leave in a hurry, somehow tricking Derik into touching my boobs, I don’t know. It’s still a little fuzzy.

I finally got Adam to give him my number the last week in January, and we texted every day, all day, and well into the night for weeks. He finally asked me on a date. We went out to eat, and to a comedy club, and then we drove around and talked forever. He casually invited me back to his house, and I said yes. Again, I will spare details. Sex. Sex happened.

He asked me on a second date, and I said cool. Our second date was on Valentine’s Day. He gave me a hardback copy of Jane Austen’s greatest works. He bought me pizza, we watched a movie, and ended up hooking up again.
Quietly, in the dark room, he asked, “So...what are we?”
I thought about it for a second, “I don’t want to rush you into anything. You just got divorced; I understand it may take some time for you to be okay. I’m not trying to pressure you into anything serious.”
“But, I don’t want you to date anyone else.” He whispered, almost pleadingly. “Can we be exclusive?”
“Sure.” I giggled in the darkness.

And that is the story of how I obtained a boyfriend, and how I got myself into the longest relationship I have ever been in. It’s scary, falling in love. We’ve had several fights, and a lot of laughs. I enjoy his company over anything else. Companionship is the best thing to have.
October 21st, 2015 at 11:58am