Don't Be Mad

I doubt that people are so into the candy bowl thing that they'll protest my usage of Mibba when I have yet to complete anything, but I'm actually here to explain.

I've been having a hard time with school and on top of that I just quit my job. So I'm super stressed 105% of the time. I want to do my candy bowl, but I don't have Internet Internet at the moment. I'm using the data on my phone with my computer because I had a chemistry assignment due.
I have one of those weird Internet things where it allows you a certain amount of data and then you have to buy more. Then of course I have my phone too, but I can't use all the data on Mibba because them I'm screwed for the rest of the month.

I'll make a long story short; I can't start candy bowls for another day or two.
I know, I know, I suck. I'm sorry.

I promise to work on it as soon as I get data for my normal Internet!

Anyway, I'm off to feed my snake! She's finally got a consistent source of food thanks to my wonderful parents for buying her mice.

October 23rd, 2015 at 05:42am