Smoking | New Job | Good News

I'm not even going to go in order of the title so sorry for being a scatter brain.

I'm using my phone right now so once again, I apologize for mistakes.

Not sure if anyone even saw it but I posted a panicky blog earlier today. After I calmed myself down a bit, I deleted it. I got some news related to my job today that made me a little less panicky. The pants they gave me won't fit because it's apparently sized extra small/extra tall. But they're going to allow me to buy my own scrub pants instead of try to wear my pants rolled up constantly. Also she ordered my chef shirt thing so I don't have to wear the completely different one for very long. The hat is pretty much nonnegotiable but with as nice as they have been about the pants, I don't care at this point. Also the male who was going to train me is no longer training me and it is now split between two females which makes me feel so much more comfortable. So I'm better. I did my computer training today and finished 5 hours worth of training in 2 1/2. So woo.


On another note, my boyfriend and I were fighting again. Of course I'm stressed from school because I now have 5 exams next week instead of the 3 I originally mentioned in other blogs. And he's stressed because he decided to quit smoking. I'm super proud of him and I love him for doing it but I'm cranky from stress and so is he so we have been fighting much more than normal lately. We're gonna spend some time together Sunday before work so hopefully we can just have a really good day to help improve things.


Also, I got my data back! I'm gonna try my hardest to start my candy bowl giveaways tomorrow but I do have 5 exams so if I don't get to it, I'm really sorry.

October has just been a really stressful month. :/


Also if anyone in college is reading this, I have a question. Do you have a fall break?

My college doesn't have one even though every surrounding school does. I'm not super upset or anything, I just don't understand why? Is it because I'm at a community college? Do they not have fall breaks but universities do ?
October 24th, 2015 at 05:59am