
This morning I didn't want to get up. Didn't see the point if I'm honest. Really all I do is go to school, be bored in Science, fail in DT, be yelled at in Maths, be made fun of in lunch, watch my emo friends get depressed, be bored in english and geography, then get picked up by my Mum, listen to green day (like on the way to school), come home, do homework, listen to green day, go on the internet while listening to green day, go upstairs to my room and daydream while listening to green day, play guitar, wack something with my tre cool drumsticks, go to bed, watch The Office and stare at my poster of green day while thinking. I put everything down to "when I grow up.". Seriously. I think "So, when am I actually going to start living the way I want?"
"When I grow up."
"When will I have the money for my dream (Billie Joe A. Gibson) guitar?"
"When I grow up."

Well, I'm sick of it all, so anyway back to the morning.
I told my Mum I was ill and fell back asleep for a few hours, I don't remember the dream, I just remember being woken up by a massive bee buzzing around the room. I started watching The Office (its all I watch on TV) and started wishing my guitar was in my room. I had left it by the computer when I was checking out tabs to see if they were any good last night. My Mum and some moving packer guy came up. The guy was estimating how much it would cost to move all of our crap. Again. Except this time I'm staying at the same school. First time ever I think.
The guy was short and balding with remains of black hair. He had thick, black glasses on and a clipboard and caculator in one arm. My mother opened the door and said
"This is my daughter, she's ill today, but not ill enough not to watch telvision!"
The man laughed politely, I had already given him a nick name in my head. Ugly, not very creative, but still suitable. I smiled politely because I wasn't in the mood to put up with more yelling. They went off to go look at the rest of the house and I leaned back against the wall, sitting on my bed. I got up and sat on my windowsill (the favourite place in my room. It's quite high up, but I can get to it by going from my bed up onto the windowsill.) I sat and stared out of the window for a while, just wondering what Green Day were doing now. It's driving me crazy that they have around 45 songs, with none put out and none to be put out for another year.

After a while I got down from the window sill and went downstairs and into the living room. Ugly had left and my dog ran up to me. I smiled and stroked her (she's called Bridget she's SO CUTE) and thumped down onto the sofa opposite my Mum. She was going through papers and the fireplace was full of old bank statements.

"I haven't come across your card yet" she said. Me and my (stupid) sister have been given our cards, my Mum has both of them (somewhere), but she had given Jane (my sister) hers ages ago.
"Have you lost it?!" I asked.
"No" she said absent mindedly I frowned down at the floor and saw my guitar had been moved to next to the sofa. I picked it up and played the intro to "Wake me Up When September Ends".
"This isn't in tune" I stated, but my Mum had became to involved in some stupid Property programme to pay any attention. I decided I would just have to play it out of tune and put my back against the back of the chair and played for a while. It was my electric black Epiphone Les Paul Special 2 (my only electric guitar) and it was unplugged so no one could hear it.

After a while I put it back down again and went on the computer. I wondered if I would ever see Ugly again...hopefully not. My Mum shouted
"I hope your doing your homework!"
"I am!" I lied back. After a few hours I went on my email to get the homework I emailed back to myself from the school computers. I didn't end up getting it because I got sidetracked from it by and eil email and Green Day things. I put on some Green Day in the background, then put on the Russel Brand podcast (SO funny).

That's pretty much my day so far, kinda boring but I am really bored.
October 10th, 2007 at 09:28pm