Happy Halloween!

Seriously, is it really that time of the year again? Where has the year gone? I feel like we just celebrated Halloween. It doesn't even feel like Halloween! I think Lettuce is playing an April Fools joke on me. I'm on to her. Oh, oops. Sorry, forgot. Lettuce is my six month old kitten. Yes, I named my kitten Lettuce. Don't judge me.

I'm not going out tonight. No friends means I'm going to no Halloween parties. And since I'm "too old for trick-or-treating" I'm going to sit at home, play scary music, do the rest of my nano outline, and continue trying to decipher young Dan's dream diary in The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire. But who decided that there has to be a certain age before you're considered "too old" to do something? I want to dress as a sheet ghost and go trick-or-treating. I miss it. Would it be weird if I dressed as a sheet ghost and took my Lettuce trick-or-treating? I think it would be hilarious. But I'd probably get more doors slammed in my face than getting candy in my bucket.

So, this entry is pointless. I don't know why I posted it. I'm just going to leave. If you are going out tonight, stay safe.
November 1st, 2015 at 12:02am