It's My Birthday and I Comment if I Want To!

Hey you all!

As you have already guessed: It is my birthday! I just turned 24 years old and I feel Ancient.
But not to dwell on the bags under my eyes and the wrinkels and such; I wanted to treat you guys!
I am a very busy person so this treat won't be as much, yet I do what I can and I could not let my birthday go without some kind of Mibbian celebration.

So If you leave a link, I will comment on the first 5 stories.
- One comment per story
- I'd want a link because I am lazy like that
- I'll comment on the first chapter, or a chapter of your choosing!
- I'm not promising that I am the best commenter; but I will definitely try to give feedback as good as I can.
- Please count the links already posted, if you are number 6 or higher; I am so sorry. Yet Medical internships, working out and being a bit social do fill my time for the most.

So no Cake, but Comments!

Stay Cool!
November 8th, 2015 at 11:55am