Mermaid in New Waters

*Waves* Hello everyone! I'm Mermaid Hilly and this is the first blog I have ever posted. There are two main reasons why I have finally decided to blog. The first being an that I am an avid journal writer but because of my healing broken thumb, I find it easier to type rather than write. The second reason is because I'm going through some major life changes. I just up and moved with my boyfriend across the country and away form all my family (which is something to write about in and of itself) and a lot of drama has ensued since moving here that is way to juicy not to write about. Any who, I've decided that this will just be a short intro post so here's a few things about myself.

I'm a twenty something female who just moved from the southwest to the east coast. This mermaid is originally from the midwest, hailing from a sea of cornfields and soy beans. I have two really interesting parents who have only been separated for the past year and a big brother who I miss terribly. When i was sixteen, my parents (well really my mom) decided it would be a great idea to move us out to the middle of nowhere desert town. I kicked and screamed and cried as one would do when they are being sucked away from all their friends, family, and first serious boyfriend. I hated it at first but I was bribed with a swimming pool so I gave in a little. I spent the next six years finishing school, starting college, flunking college, and working. I met my wonderful boyfriend in the strangest way possible and we have been together for the last two years. I moved out of my parent's home and started living with my boyfriend (to the horror of my mother) and eventually moved away with him twice out of state.

I should also explain my thing for mermaids. When I was a little girl, my favorite movie was The Little Mermaid. I use to pretend to be Ariel and swim around in the bath tub with my mermaid dolls. Then one magical summer, my parents took me to Florida like we did every year but this time they took me to the greatest place on earth south of Disney World. Weeki Wachee Springs. It was a whole park dedicated to mermaids! the best part of all was the underwater theater. It's a giant tank built into the natural springs and women dressed as mermaids performed there. The did all sorts of dive tricks, synchronized swimming, and the best part of all, the acted out the tale of the little mermaid. I was in heaven! Mermaids were real and I was going to be one of them! Since then I have always been determined to follow my dream, but alas reality is (for lack of a better word) a bitch. I have come closer to it but attending mermaid events, following other mer performers, even buying a monofin and making my own mermaid tail to swim around in.

That's all for now. I didn't want to make it this long but oh well. Thanks for stopping bye and I'll catch you on the flip side!
November 12th, 2015 at 12:47am