It Takes Two.

A few weeks ago my Aunt and Uncle got divorced. My Uncle is the half that is actually related to us: a somewhat drunken, bit of a jackass, big guy who loves his kids and family. Well, today, my (Ex) Aunt who is still friends with a lot of the family on Facebook (we're just a slow-to-move type of family on the social networking side: I don't think my father has been on in months, in fact) posted an image of an angry woman with the caption, "There is ALWAYS a CAUSE to the EFFECT that is brought on".

I'm about 95% positive it was aimed at the family members who are still friends with her on the website, to try and place the blame of the divorce wholesomely upon my Uncle.

What I hate to tell her is that none of us care.

We're all totally in agreement on the issue: we blame both of them for the divorce. It takes two people to divorce. Was he ever very emotional with her? No. Did he ever give in to her persistent nagging that his life was shit and he needed to fix it? No. Was he home from work often? No. But did she ever offer him any other alternative or ask him to help her help the relationship? No. Both of them are at blame. If she wanted things to change she should have offered solutions rather than just letting it fester and in tandem he shouldn't have let everything fester.

So when she basically says, "It's all John's fault: he never loved me or the kids and he only ever abused the relationship" we all know it's a lie. They were a public couple, we all saw how the dynamic worked, we all predicted their divorce. Both of them were incredibly toxic to one another.

It took two and no one believes otherwise. So please stop whining before I just block you for it.
November 13th, 2015 at 02:39am