Anyone good at Bio?

Okay, i'm so dumb!

Today i forgot my text book for my homework and i can't seem to find anything on-line.

So, can someone please help me out with a few questions?

Here's the ones I can't get...

The organelle that uses energy from food to make high-energy compunds?

A theory that states that all living things are compounds of cells?

The diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane?

The process of taking materials in to the cell by mean infolding of the cell membrane?

A group of similar cells that perfrom a particular function?

Cell's that have a nucleus?

A network of protein filaments that helps the cell maintian its shape?

If you know the answers to any, please let me know. =D

Thanks a bunch.


October 11th, 2007 at 04:06am