ATL for My Birthday, Yes Please. || Happy Birthday!!

So I saw All Time Low on Thursday, the 19th.

Let me just say:

Best. Concert. Ever.

While waiting in line outside the venue, 4 Door Theatre came by and played some songs to get a fan base. I told the singer, "I don't know if I want to buy the CD. You should sing me a song and put my name in it while I think about it." So he sang me "Porcelain Face" and put my name in it. After, I just said to him, "I'll allow it. Now just take my money and walk away." He laughed, gave me a CD, and walked away. A few minutes later, I walked up to him and said, "I lied. You need to sign this." So he laughed and gave me a side glance and literally said, "Felix, you're so fucking awesome."


And I died a little on the inside. I definitely think that they have somewhere amazing that they'll be going soon, especially with how they handle a crowd. It was amazing to interact with them all. Now, does anyone know their names. I can't read Squiggles.


Sleeping With Sirens was amazing. I don't listen to them often, and I only knew their cover of "Iris" during their set. Also, it was Justin Hills' birthday. We sang happy birthday to him. It was just an amazing opportunity to be there. Kellin had this whole emotional talk about standing up for what is right, and I nearly cried because, yes. Someone understands the pain I'm feeling. Fucking an amazing guy right there and it was awesome.

During All Time Low's set, I made my way to the barrier. Jack and Alex were joking about Alex's dick and shit and how it would sound (fucking funny, is what it sounds like). They also talked about what song they would conceive a baby to, and Jack said "Barbie Girl" and we proceeded to sing the song. Alex just pouted while we sang, and it was fucking hilarious. I also screamed to Alex that it was my birthday. It was just so fucking fun to be in that crowd.

I met a lot of really cool people. Between SWS and ATL, I was talking to a girl who was smushed chest-to-chest to me. I told her, "If you feel anything weird, just know my hands are right here." My hands were pinned straight up and I looked dumb, but she laughed so hard at that. She couldn't believe that I made a hand-check joke. She had a really cute laugh too, which made it awesome. Her friend and her wouldn't stop laughing at my jokes. I told her and the several people around us that, "I've never felt so close to anyone in my life. Of course, there's a guy's dick pressed into my butt, but that's just a plus."

Also, I get really bad claustrophobia. So being pressed against someone was really a feat for me. I was like, "Guys, you should be proud of me. I'm expanding my horizons. I have a really bad fucking case of claustrophobia." Someone turned around and said, "Really? Why the fuck are you in the pit, then?" And all I could think to say was, "I wanted to expand my horizons." Everyone agreed that I was, indeed, expanding my horizons.

Fun all around, I can't wait to do it again. BRING IT ON ALL TIME LOW. I AM READY. MY BODY IS READY. JUST COME AT ME!!!

Anyway guys, today's my birthday, so happy birthday Goldie Hawn. I have work in two hours, but I'm still on the high of the concert, so honey badger don't give a fuck.

Have a great day, you guys.

~ Felix (of the Helmsworth kind)
November 21st, 2015 at 06:35pm