Happy Birthday to Me, I Flipped My Car.

I had work yesterday at three, and I left about 20 minutes early for a seven minute drive. I took my normal route, a dirt road that is posted at 35 miles per hour. But on a straight-away, I felt my tires drift, so I slowed down. Immensely.

But as I turned a corner, the ditch on the left side of the road caught my wheels and pulled me to the right side. I slammed my car into a raised embankment and my car made a 3/4 flip.

I closed my eyes as soon as I knew my car was going to hit the embankment. I couldn't even get my car back under control. When I opened my eyes, I was hanging in my seat. My driver's side door was to the sky, the passenger door and window smashed to the ground.

I spent a good five minutes hanging there, honking my horn and screaming for help. But no one was around and I started to panic. So I swung my right leg down into the passenger area to try and stand. I managed to get my left leg out of the driver's area and down on the ground as well, still buckled in. Once I had my feet sturdy, I unbuckled my seat belt.

It's so scary to think that, in my state, it is legal not to wear a seat belt if you're over 18. But I was wearing my .

So I roll my driver's window down and stand straight. My head cleared the window by a foot or so and I started screaming, using my foot to honk the horn.

Still, no one came in five minutes.

So I managed to lift my right leg up to the passenger's door and out. Then my left leg. I sat on my car for a second, trying to get my breathing under control, but I couldn't.

So I hoped off my car and started walking to the closest house.

It took about 15 minutes for the emergency crew to show up. They took my vitals, all spiked from the accident of course.

But I went to work after the wrecker came and towed my car. I was only 90 minutes late.

So happy birthday Goldie Hawn. Hopefully it was better than mine.

~ Felix (of the Helmsworth kind)
November 22nd, 2015 at 06:01pm