It only takes one person

It takes Just one person push you off the______egde
And just push you off completely. Maybe it's not them, it's you. How much angery and hate builds up, how much builds up is amazing. The Irritation she wraps on me. Like a bug bite itching, continuously, but your hands are tied to the chair. You want to fucking itch it soo bad just so it can go away, the irritation, the annoyance would just go away. But my hands are tied to the chair, my hands are tapped to the chair, maybe even stapled. I can't feel them, they can't itch the bite. So it doesn't go away. Why can't it just go away? Why can't it take the hint? Why can she take the hint? Does she want me to flip? Wrip my hands off the chair and rip off the skin, the irritated skin, so it'll stop. But the consequences are harsh. My hands will be bleeding and so will my skin. But nowing her, she just might kill her self, from lack of attention. Will this is one of those momment's where if i had a dick, I'd tell her to suck it.

Then it takes just one person that can pull you backUP

But he's never there, gone. But he's there. Does he not care? All he does is complain. Wasn't I his best friend? I thought I was, I guess I was just temperary. He ignores me most of his time. I can't remeber the last time he walked with me to any class. I can't remember the last time I hugged him. I guess, I was just a replacement. I don't feel as close with him as I did last year...

Well me and another best friend are even closer. She's my everything. Funny, pretty and different. She's my bestfriend. Her bestfriend is a whore, I mean she's cool. But I see her mistreating her all the time. I don't like her much, just a vib. I'll deal with her, she's cool..I guess. I mean, she'd talk to this one girl, who I don't like. This girl is fake and tries to fit in. And my best friend's, bestfriend hates her and talks about her behind her back then like hugs her, like we never talked to her. Does she do that with me too? I can't trust her, my alret is on, until i can trust her.

School is killing me..
Slowly cutting under my skin
Pushing the hairs on my neck up
Showing the blood from within

Still I can see it comming...

Standing in the river..drowning..
Jen Jen
October 11th, 2007 at 06:27am