A Rant About Writer's Block Because I Don't Know What Else to Do

Seriously, why does writer's block even exist? It's such an awful, awful things. Whats the point of having all the great and inspiring ideas for stories and characters and conversations and plots, if you can never actually write them down? I have such wonderful ideas, they're almost always swimming around in my head. I could write an entire story just by talking it out loud. Or thinking it.

But as soon as I pull up a word document and put my fingers on the keyboard… everything goes blank. I have no idea what my great ideas were any more. What I wanted to say, wanted to write, just disappears. It takes minutes to write a sentence. Hours to write a paragraph. And days, hell, even months, to write a chapter. Perhaps that's why I've never finished a story.

I have no problem with lack of inspiration. I'm so damn full of inspiration it's sickening. I'm bursting at the seems. It's just begging to come out, damn it. And it does, in a series of thoughts. Sometimes in spoken words. But man, there's just something about being on a computer that kills my ability to form words.

And I don’t fucking get it. I wrote this blog post with ease. The words just fucking flew out. I didn’t have to pause and think about my wording and make sure everything lined up and made sense. It just came out.

And maybe that’s why I have such trouble with writing – writing a story more particularly. It's easy for me to write out thoughts or even dialogue. But all that other stuff-- actions and descriptions and all that fluff that goes into stories-- I cant do it. It takes me so damn long. And since it takes long I get tired and frustrated and don’t want to write anymore. Maybe I should just start writing like a movie script. I don't have to worry about prose or voice or sounding repetitive or elegant. I just put in actions and focus mainly on dialogue. Yeah, that'd be great.

Mostly I just get really depressed that these stories, plots, lovable characters I create will never be experienced by other people because I cant write it out.

I'm just fucking frustrated.

(so that's why I haven't updated in months)(even though I've really been trying to)
December 3rd, 2015 at 12:39am