Baka Laptop

The damn that did a update and now it won't start up. It does a loop. Start up, blue screen then restart and it keeps doing that. Annoying....-beep- -beep- thing.

So I'm on my tablet, just to check on things and such. Typing on this is hard and annoying. But~ to let my ps3 rest, I'm going to try working on Elyasia.... might be hard but I will TRY to get a few one-shots done on there.

Elyasia link:
In need of: co-writer, designer and artist.

I'm also working on my deadly sins. I just added prompts to it to add to the activity that it needs badly. So yea... I'm blah tonight.

My Deadly Sins link:
In need of:.... a few staff members....
December 13th, 2015 at 04:25am