Lost and Insecure.

It's hard to not be so serious and have fun when all your life people have depended on you to be the adult.

People have depended on you to make things right, or to always be there when they need you. To pick them up when they fall. To dry their tears.

I'm tired of being the one who cheers up people when they're sad.

Because when i'm the one in need of someone, nobody's there to make me feel better. To pick me up.

But when I finally break, and show my true colors for just a moment...I become insane to everyone.




Attention whore.

Always mad.

Never speaks.

No one will ever understand how much it hurts. To be alive and yet feel nothing.

There is a hell, believe me...I've seen it.

And someday, I hope that my sadness will be replaced by something beautiful.
December 24th, 2015 at 08:03pm