I'm Sorry. I Suck at Giving Things Titles

Ignore that horrible title. My brain doesn't quite, brain, I guess? I guess that's what I'm calling it. Excuse my awkwardness, it's at a high level today.

Besides that, I'm new to this website. I'm only thirteen, so I'm not a really good writer, but I'm still learning. I'd love some feedback from you guys. Also, I haven't really figured the whole layout thing, so at first my stories and such will be plain and boring looking.

Thank you for reading my quite boring and almost completely useless blog. Just a reminder, if you are unsatisfied on how you spent your time reading this, there are, unfortunately, no time refunds.

Anyway, I honestly appreciate you spending your time reading my first blog entry. I know it's really boring, but I guess it needed to be said. Actually, no it didn't.

Have a great day! Or night, depending on where you live.

December 30th, 2015 at 01:26am