New Original Story

Hey guys! I am starting a new story called Act Like A Princess which is the story about Princess Diem. Diem was not born a royal. Her mother had worked for the royal family before she had passed away. So, at the age of six, Diem became Princess Diem and the story takes place ten years later when she is sixteen. Diem always felt like an outcast in the family and now there is talk of finding her a suitor. Will she find someone and carry out her princess duties or ruin it all?

I plan on having the first chapter up this weekend. Maybe sooner if people will show up to work and not make me cover their shifts.

So here is the story: Act Like A Princess
Please Rec and Subscribe and I hope you are as excited as I am. Also the character page is up.

January 6th, 2016 at 08:05pm