Introduction and Day One.

I've decided to start working out again, even though it's just at home/in my living room, to help with mostly with stress, but also to drop the 20 pounds I've gained since transferring away from my free gym membership at CSU. I've not changed my college life-style eating habits (eating badly and eating a lot) since I've left and now especially after the holidays it's begun to catch up with me.

As a subdivision of dropping this gained weight I'd also like to focus on rounding out my ass again, seeing how it used to be so perky from consistent Tredclimber/Elliptical useage. So here's to dropping back to a healthy, fit weight and reducing all the stress that comes with working part time and going to classes full time!

My starting weight is approximately 142 pounds. Up from 122 this time last year.

Today I've done THIS workout and nearly gone blind for it. They saved jump squats for the end, like Satan would. My new theory is that Satan also likes the booty.

This blog won't be daily and it's certainly not for anyone else other than me to track my own progress, though, if you read it: congrats for putting up with my bullshit for a while! Bahaha
January 8th, 2016 at 02:47am