
So today I was back in school. My Mum (as always) came storming in screaming at me to get up. She had a go at me for being awake for so long last night. I'll tell you about last night:

After watching 2 or 3 episodes of The Office, i only have series 2, so I know all of the jokes and most of the lines off by heart by now. It still doesn't get old. So anyway, then I watched some film called "40 nights and 40 days". It's about some guy trying to get over some girl by going without sex guessed it 40 nights and days. The main guy couldn't act for shit so it was a really bad film, but still better coming around to the fact that I had school tomorrow and most likely wouldn't be able to sleep for the next 4 or 5 hours. About 2 thirds of the way through the movie, I switched the TV off at the plug, because I couldn't take it any more. The guy has very strange eyebrows. So anyway, then I contemplated watching The Office again, but decided against it because suddenly I couldn't be bothered to get up again. Damn gravity. So then I switched on the light and started to write on the back on rough paper the next chapter for my story on here (My Dad's The Punk Rock God, I'll post it on after I've written the next 2 chapters, that way I'm ahead of all of ya). Then I got up and went to the bathroom and my Mum heard me. This was around midnight, so you know.

Yeah, that's it. And my Mum started lecturing me about it.
"You shouldn't be up until midnight! I could hear you walking around!"
I decided not to respond and instead turn over to face the wall. My Mum eventually went to get my sister and I decided not to open my eyes so I fell asleep again. Easy mistake.

Suddenly it's 8 o'clock and my Mum is freaking out that I won't be at school on time, so I finally got up to hear about my P.E kit. It's been gone for 3 weeks, I really don't think I'll ever see that black Rebok bag again. I decided against telling my Mum this, a very wise decision. I came downstairs trailing my Green Day hoodie and school jumper behind me, with my Dear Mother yelling about breakfast. Breakfast. Like I even care, I hate breakfast I said I'd have plain toast to shut her up more than anything and fell onto the sofa. My dog came running up to me, so I patted her head and she looked at me as if to say "Some good morning" and ran away. I swear that dog knows me better than anyone. And she can't even climb stairs. I ate a piece and a half of plain toast, and gave the other half to my dog, who had already eaten some buttered toast. I don't think she minded much though.

I got into the car and pulled out my iPod and headphones, already bored of the radio. I have some actual headphones, not those earpod things, so I pulled them on my head and put on some Green Day.

I walked into school with nothing on my mind but "Shit. Science." I think anyway, I'm not a week morning person. I'll be up at 8 on Saturdays though, at my friends house who I sleepover at every Friday. I realised I had a drum lesson and cheered up a but until I realised it wasn't for another hour and 10 minutes.

I went into Science and sat down in my place next to the guy who picks his nose and eats it and pulled out my Green Day pencil case and stuff and egg-head Edwards started the boring lesson. About halfway through we all had to gather round him as he explained rocks. I hung back a bit, as I don't find finding out the difference between Sedimentry and Metamorpic rock very interesting. Even though I had a test that Friday. But whatever. Between me and one of my friends was another one of my friends standing up. Now, in school students have to make do with the best of a worst situation, even if it science. So me and the friend sitting down started to push the standing one around a bit joking, then the assistant teacher growled
"Stop it" so I did then egg-head Edwards said "Who was it?" looking at the guy behind me. I always own up to stuff and hate it when people don't, so I said it was me and Edwards got in a stress with me.

"What did you do?" he asked
"Pushed her around for a joke"
"Well you shouldn't of" Oh joy, I could feel my face getting red.
"Are you humiliated?"
"Yeah" I said, not sounding very convincing since he went on
"I would be. You should be ashamed distracting the class and wasting their time."
I almost said it doesn't look like they care very much since people had already started to talk behind his back.
"I would be embarassed about distracting everyone." He just wouldn't leave it alone, but it's not like I could say anything back because school teachers seem to be against free speech. He gave me that stupid hard stare teachers did when they want you to be embarrassed or ashamed and rounded it up with "I would be humiliated" and went back to talking about rocks. I should of said "you should be" but sometimes I loose my guts, and sometimes I don't, and it really wasn't my day.

Later in English I finally had my drum lesson, I went over to his room and we went over some rudiments and he told me about someone Lang and that I should check out his video. (I did later, on the computer) and the lesson overlapped a bit since the next person was late. So he taught me how to flick the drum stick, which is reeeally cool. I could do it slowly and he said (his favourite words to get him through hundreds of failures)
"Speed will come"
I told him I had Tre Cool Signature sticks, and he said to bring them in next lesson.
Then some blonde year 7 (6th grader) came in. My drum teacher was sitting next to me behind the kit and he started nudging me going "I bet you've been to Florida"
"..yeah" said the kid. My drum teacher (Chris) nudged me again "I bet you've been to the Hard Rock Cafe" he said nudging me, and gave me a "haha, we know something he doesn't know we know" look (if that makes any sense), but I didn't have a clue what he was on about. Finally the 6th grade kid said "Oh no, these sticks were a present" I looked at his sticks, and saw the House of Blues ones.

I got up and the kid stood near the kit, as I walked over to the door. I started talking to him and Chris (much easier to type than "my drum teacher")
"Alright Ben?" he said to the kid.
"My name is Toby" said the kid
"I know, I was just messing with you" said Chris ( he says the time when he forgets the new peoples names)
"You know your students well" I said. Then somehow we got onto cafeteria food.
"I hate it, I can't eat it. I don't eat at school" I said.
"Don't you?" Chris asked
"No, it's skanky. I eat breakfast and everything, it's not like I don't eat at all"
"So you have a big breakfast"
"uh....I have toast"
He laughed and said "well I bet you have a big dinner"
"Not really, just kinda normal" I looked around for my school bag (Green Day black shoulder tote bagg)
"Oh, well you can have this" he said passing me half a picnic bar [an english chocolate bar], it's alright I only took a bite, I can't eat any more."
"Thanks" I said, he threw me a packet of cheese and onion crisps (potato chips or whatever in American)
"Do you know Hannah?" I asked the kid (or "Toby")
"What, the really tall one?" he asked
"Oh, the one obsessed with green day?"
"I hate her."
"Why?" He got around answering it and I felt bad for wasting about half of the kid's lesson talking so I said "See you later Chris"
"Yeah, see you on Friday" he said, "come on then Jack"
"It's Toby"
"I know, I'm just messing with you"

I laughed and left.
(sorry but I can't put my whole day up because of many reasons 1. This is boring enough. 2. It would be too long)
October 12th, 2007 at 03:53am