Where You Get Your Background At? Can I Come Work Witchu?

Why must I be such a cryptic little f-ck? I have been trying for three days now three days to figure out my password for not only tumblr, but photobucket, weheartit, and multiple old email accounts that could have helped me get any of those passwords. Not a single helpful hint from myself like why? Oh if I could go back in time and slap myself I would because now I have lost not only many pictures I used for inspiration but also wonderful background images that I so desperately need because I was going to make a new story layout for a new story (obviously Breanna). I guess I’ll just spend countless hours scouring the internet for a background source. *sigh* If only some truly wonderful Mibbians could help a clueless girl out.

Yo! Have you guys noticed how utterly boring and time wasting online applications are. I’ve done four over the past three hours and I’m just dead inside from having to lie about my non sparkling attitude. Filling out these tedious questionnaires have made me realize how much of a little shit I am as I always think the worst option. I think life would be easier if I weren’t just a major b-tch. Oh well, guess I have to work on myself.

Why would an employed person like myself be even looking for another job? Well, I’ve moved too far away from my current part time job for it to even be profitable anymore. That and my boss refuses to give me more hours. I used to have more hours back when I first started the damn job but then my only coworker quit and so he took away some of my hours. Makes sense right? Didn’t think so. Anyway, I asked last month if I could have more once the slow season passes (we are an ice cream parlor). Since I’m in Texas, that means it’s already passed down here in the Southern region. Anyway, he told me he couldn’t afford to give me any more hours than I already had which I was like alright, maybe I’ll try again later. Well no, this guy pulls a move right out of left field and interviews another girl to work with me and she starts tomorrow. Now, I don’t understand how you can’t afford to give me like four or five more hours a week but you can go and hire an entire new employee which you’ll have to give at least 30 hours. Whatever, I’m going to train her this week as I look for employment elsewhere. I love all the free ice cream and all but I’m getting fat and not making enough money to support myself and my daughter (who I have an unhealthy habit of online shopping for. Moccasins are $15+). I need more money. End of ridiculously long explanation.
January 15th, 2016 at 03:41am