I'm a Sucker for a Survey

Okay, so I'm procrastinating when it comes to updating Blood Money because I've gotten virtually NO feedback. It's getting readers, but I can't tell if people like it if they don't tell me. It's super frustrating. So, I found this posted by a Mibba friend and decided to hop on the bandwagon.

1. Do you get sick while reading in a car?
Yes. I didn't used to, though. When I was a kid, I would read Sideways Stories from Wayside School out loud to my mom when we were on road trips. The older I got, the less I could stomach it.

2. Which author’s writing style is completely unique to you and why?
I had to think about this a while. I don't think any writer's style is totally unique. Since the beginning of literature, writers have been "borrowing" from each other. It's kind of like music. Nobody's written an entirely original beat in years, because every chord and every note has been used already.

3. Harry Potter Series or the Twilight Saga? Give 3 points to defend your answer.
Harry Potter. Obviously.

First, the story is so much more involved: there are more characters, the backstories are so well thought out that even years after the last book was published/the last movie was released, JK Rowling is still giving us little tidbits about her characters.

Secondly, even though both works are based on fantasy, Harry Potter is just so much more believable. I'd buy into wizards and witches more quickly than I would vampires who sparkle.

Finally, in my not-really-all-that-humble opinion, the writing is just better.

4. Do you carry a book bag? If so, what is in it (besides books)?
No. Just my purse. And I carry everything in my purse.

5. Do you smell your books?
Doesn't everybody?

6. Books with or without little illustrations?

7. What book did you love while reading but discovered later it wasn’t quality writing?
The Fifty Shades series. I read it to see what all the hype was about and when you're in the story, everything makes sense. The story line is good, the backstory is fascinating, there's a lot of action, and the smut is pretty good. But the writing is just so horrible. I'm not even judging based on the fact that it started out as Twilight fan fiction. The writing is just bad. It was like there was no proofreading done whatsoever. How does a publisher let that out without putting it through the editing process? I don't get it.

8. Do you have any funny stories involving books from your childhood? Please share!
I don't know how funny this is, but my dad taught me to read when I was four by reading to me so much that I memorized the stories and then when I looked at it myself, I could identify words. One of my favorites was Micky the Woodcutter and I would insist on reading it to anyone who came to our house.

9. What is the tiniest book on your shelf?
The Torn Skirt by Rebecca Godfrey

10. What is the thickest book on your shelf?
The Complete Poems and Stories of Edgar Allan Poe

11. Do you write as well as read? Do you see yourself in the future as being an author?
I love to write and I'd love to be a published author.

12. When did you get into reading?
I was four when I started reading myself, but my dad read to me from the time I could listen and my mom actually wrote several stories just to tell us. They're amazing, but she's never been published.

13. What is your favourite classic book?
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

14. In school what was your best subject?
English. I loved writing and was always a good reader/grammar nerd.

15. If you were given a book as a present that you had read before and hated, what would you do?
I think I'd probably be very gracious, because I'm not an asshole. And then I'd probably donate it.

16. What is a lesser known series that you know of that is similar to Harry Potter or the Hunger Games?
Okay, Harry Potter and The Hunger Games are vastly different. But I guess the Divergent series is similar to the Hunger Games. I don't think it's lesser known, though.

17. What is a bad habit you always do while blogging?
Rambling. I tend to ramble a lot.

18. What is your favorite word?
Okay, I actually have an answer for this and I make it known whenever I can. Anesthetist. When I had to have my gallbladder removed, they gave me a shot of Midazolam, or Versed, which basically makes you not care about anything that's going on. Then the guy came in and said "My name is Dr (whatever his name was). I'm your anesthetist." and I repeated the word about ten times and told him how much I loved it. The word literally soothes me.

19. Are you a nerd, dork, or dweeb? Or all of the above?
I'm definitely a dork. I'm a little bit of a nerd. And I think dweeb is a ridiculous word with kind of a crappy connotation, so I'm not a dweeb at all. But I'm definitely a geek, which wasn't included in this list.

20. Vampires or Fairies? Why?
Vampires just because of the fact that I was raised loving them. Despite the fact that they terrified me as a kid, I would always go back to them.

21. Shapeshifters or Angels? Why?
Neither. Because I've never seen either. Unless you're in the Supernatural universe... then in that case, both.

22. Spirits or Werewolves? Why?
Spirits. I've witnessed come crazy stuff.

23. Zombies or Vampires? Why?
Vampires. Immortal (in most stories) creatures that depend on blood to live are just so much cooler than... ugh... the undead? I don't know, man. Zombies just aren't my thing.

24. Love Triangle or Forbidden Love?
Forbidden love for sure! That's the stuff dreams are made of. Plus, love triangles imply infidelity and that just pisses me off.

25. And finally: Full on romance books or action-packed with a few love scenes mixed in?
Action packed with A LOT of love scenes mixed in. The best of both worlds.
January 24th, 2016 at 01:58am