New in 2016

It's nearly the end of January and I feel like I've been celebrating New Year's Eve two days ago.

That being said, there really aren't many news in 2016, except that I have even less time and I can't wait for the 10-day break in February. I should be studying right now because the exam was supposed to be on Saturday, but then they moved it for tomorrow? One day is not enough for 340+ pages of this shit. I really love biology, honest, but I'm just so sick and tired of snails and clams and their anatomy in small details.

Writing wise (which I think is the main point of this anyway) I've decided to challenge myself this year and write outside of my comfort zone, mainly about things that make me uneasy or I disagree with or I just don't want to write for whatever reason? So there's that. Also, I will try to use some new forms and be more free in my writing.

I would love to join a contest or two when I'm on break (starting 5th February), but I'm not sure about it yet. Right now I have too many things on my plate. (I honestly cannot remember when was the last time I interacted with somebody online or went out to the city. I mainly talk with some friends and call it enough human interaction. I feel depraved.)

I feel like I need to revisit a lot of characters and a lot of stories, but for now I am going to try and add already written chapters I have for The Dead Tenants. It's about the only story I'm satisfied with right now, even though I had no time to write it since November. I feel like I truly haven't written anything since NaNo, and even that I have lost. I'm going to try for some 10k at least in this year's Camp NaNo, because I'm not sure how the schedule goes this spring/summer.

On the other hand, my newer laptop broke so I reinstalled it with Windows 10 and it's still super slow. So I did the next best thing - I dug out my older laptop and it's working perfectly. Also since it has sentimental value to me I am super satisfied with it now LMAO

Also it can run TERA without glitches but I can't level because I have no time. I can't wait to be back to my normal routine, but that's probably going to happen after I die, and maybe not even then.

How have you guys been? Has 2016 been treating you fine so far? c:
January 25th, 2016 at 01:41pm