
Passion. There are many definitions of this word, but is is so hard to define at the same time. Some would say that passion is to love something so much that you would do anything to achieve it. Others would say that a passion is sexual or hatred for something that is so strong that's all youcan think of. To me, passion would have to go with the first recomendation I stated.

No matter what happenes to you, you always have a passion for something. Whether it is your work, art, music, ect., everyone has some kind of escape, which would be concidered their passion. If you're depressed, have some type of anxiety, there is always something that pulls you from these episodes to make you feel "normal."

Myself, I would have to say that my passion is art of all forms. I love to draw, write, and sing. When someone has an episode of whatever it is that is holding them back, there is always an escape. Some sort of way to feel free and happy. There is always a shining light in the darkness. That light is your passion. No matter what, you should pursue that passion.

It is a passion for a reason. Something is drawing you toward that passion with such intensity that you can't help but to focus all of your energy on it. There is something about that passion that puts you at ease, and distracts you from all the hardships in your life so you are able to focus on the good in life.

When I was younger, my friends would tease me about the type of music I liked, or things I chose to draw, or the things I wrote. What they didn't realize is that the things they said stuck. It made me doubt myself and my talent. Through the years, however, I have learned that they things they said didn't matter. No one should ever let someone shame them for liking what they like, or doing what they do. If someone really cared about you, then they would be happy that you found a way to achieve happiness.

No matter what anyone says about you, you need to chase after your dreams and passions. Even if you think you will fail, there is always a way. You have to push yourself. You have to find people who believe in you and the things you are passionate about. Even when things seem their darkest, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, and you don't need anyone else to help you find that light. Everyone in this world is perfectly capable of creating and finding their own light. Everyone has their passions.
January 29th, 2016 at 11:15am