My essay on The Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Finally, I'm not grounded anymore =D
Why I was grounded you ask?
Conversation with my dad =] ::
Dad: You know, you're starting to irritate me!
Me: Yeah you're starting to irritate me too.

Anyways, I [might] go to the mall on Saturday and go to Party City or whatever tomorrow with my momma....
And possibly an art festival and photography class on Sunday.

But I also have to do an experiment thingy with Ignacio...

I need you people's opinions..
Is this problem statement Human testing?
What kind of music makes your heart beat faster? Rock, Heavy Metal, Polka, or Classical?

I need you guy's opinions please; Ignacio says it's not. It's impossible to argue with him -__-
I made an essay on The Flying Spaghetti Monster.

As I lay down, watching some program about spaghetti, my spaghetti phone rang. Every time it rings, it means there is trouble in the city. Someone without spaghetti. I got up and flew through the window, my slimy noodles following.
I flew above the city, watching for any restaurants in need of spaghetti. Descending down to the middle of the street in view of most local restaurants close by, I hovered beside the buildings, finding an Italian restaurant filled with hungry customers. A tall, worried man came out screaming, “Help! Flying Spaghetti Monster! We are in need of spaghetti; the Evil Spaghetti Eating Monster took all of ours and ate it all up!”
“There is no need of fear my friend, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is here, and ready to share my spaghetti powers with you,” I told him in a heroic manner.
“You will?” the man asked. “Thank you, thank you, and thank you! How may I ever repay you?”
“You can start by telling the customers to stay put while the spaghetti gets ready,” I requested, eyeing the citizens of Miami abandoning the restaurant.
“I’ll go do that,” he smiled and walked away. I then started making my spaghetti. How I make my spaghetti you ask? I simply pull out my hair (which is spaghetti) and place it on a plate.
In no more than five minutes, I’d already made and served everyone’s spaghetti and left the restaurant. I would need to find and stop the Evil Spaghetti Eating Monster to save Miami’s spaghetti needs. So, I went to search for him at another Italian restaurant.
“So you did come, Flying Spaghetti Monster,” said an unfamiliar voice from behind me. I turned around, to reveal the Evil Spaghetti Eating Monster was actually a hairy, obese man.
“Umm, yes I did,” I replied.
“So what do you want?”
“For you to stop eating all the spaghetti at all the restaurants,”
“Fine, but only under one condition.” He started. “You get me a coupon for 50% off on oatmeal.”
“Umm, okay.” I magically made a coupon for 50% off on oatmeal appear in the air.
“Yippee!” he yelled, jumping up and down with the coupon in his hands. “California here I come!” And with that, the man ran away to California and was never seen again.

Yep.. My teacher said it was hilarious. ^-^
And my back hurts, a lot. I never get enough sleep or food.
So.. I'm gonna sleep.
Goodnight Mibbians!
October 12th, 2007 at 09:57am