
I should probably be studying for my exam tomorrow, or the one on Thursday, or the one on Friday, or doing one of my eight assignments due this week....but here's a list of things I did instead :P

1. Get super drunk
2. Spend waaaay too long on this layout
3. Make chicken parmesan
4. Bitch about how I don't want to do work
5. Play animal crossing. A lot.
6. Facetime my sister
7. Get drunk again and continue to bitch about my work
8. Listen to the same song ~ 1000 times
9. Pluck my brows
10. Nap like my life depended on it.

Why am I procrastinating? Because my midterm tomorrow is on sedimentology. As in sand, mud, and gravel. Do you know how interesting those things are? That would be not interesting at all. Studying it is like watching mud become mudstone. BORING

Instead I did a bazillion other things. I'm particularly excited about Eccentricty because I think it'll be really different than anything else I've written, and different from the reset of the stuff on Mibba. We're not doing the uber gooey romantic Elizabethan Era with Shakespeare. Oh no, we're looking at the dawn of Science. LET THERE BE SCIENCE!

Here's everything due this week (mostly or my reference)
Monday: Astrophysics assignment, Sedimentology midterm, Differential Equations Assignment, Sedimentology Quiz
Tuesday: Sedimentology lab
Wednesday: Structural Mechanics Lab
Thursday: Structural Geology midterm
Friday: Differential Equations midterm, Engineering Geology Assignment

strike-through = done

As you can see, I'm going to die.

What's your weekend looking like Mibba? What have you been up to? And what are you excited to be writing?
February 8th, 2016 at 03:45am