Marketing Advice?

I know probably most people on Mibba are not experts on social media marketing, but it's something I'm foraying into for the first time, and it's a little bit intimidating.

I finally created a fan professional Facebook page for my blogging where I'll be sharing all of my writing endeavors across different mediums (though so far there are only two), and I'm still looking for creative ways to get that out there. My most recent PuckerMob post didn't do as well as I had hoped, and I'm worried I'm running out of steam/creative ideas for that. I doubt that's true, but I worry.

I posted more extensively about my endeavors on WordPress here, but what it boils down to is...I need to start diversifying my writing and marketing myself. Since I'm eventually hoping to land a job at my current work place doing social media marketing, I need to start studying it now.

And I have no idea where to begin.

So if anybody has some advice, or some resources I can check out, I'd be hella grateful.


My BFF wrote another thing about parenting and it's ADORABLE. It's about all the weird stuff she ends up saying to her toddler and it made me smile. So feel free to check it out, and share it if you feel so inclined.
February 11th, 2016 at 07:38am