I'm pretty sure it's a sign you hate your school when...

You get up at 3 in the morning to search European boarding schools on the Internet.

Maybe it was just the book I was reading, or maybe it's the fact that American schooling is SO amazingly inferior, but I just somehow WANT to. Unfortunately, I would have an extremely hard time seeking out the people who would sneak out with me. If there are restrictive rules and other things that I hate..........oh CRAP.

I don't know shit about bording schools.


What if they make me wear a uniform?

What if they MONITOR my computer access?

What if they don't have a soccer team?

What if everyone there is a stuck-up, spoiled, conceited bitch?

What if I get kicked out and I don't get accepted to Columbia and have to settle for a state college and I get out of shape and a boring desk job and DATE for the rest of my life before settling down with a properly boring man when I'm 32 and a year later getting so bored I murder him and fake my death so I can rejoin the band I left behind when I was 14 and we get off the ground and I end up writing and singing the best songs I've ever written until I fake my death again at age 46 and become a world leader?
.....maybe this isn't such a bad idea.....

But what if I just hate it?
October 12th, 2007 at 02:58pm