I Must Be a Genius

So the theme for one of my best friend's debut (18th birthday) is Star Wars. 18th birthdays are really celebrated here in the Philippines for reasons I don't know so don't ask me why. Anyway, she asked everyone in her entourage to take one of those pictures with that Star Wars app where you can make yourself into a Jedi and have a lightsaber, I guess? I look stupid af when I'm taking the photo so I told my friend that I'm just going to Photoshop (but I'm using GIMP so.... I don't really know how to do Adobe Photoshop anyway lol) my face into a Jedi.



That's what happened.

Anyway, I just watched Deadpool a few hours ago and IT WAS AMAZING. I recommend everyone to watch it. I loved the dirty humor and I couldn't stop laughing because of it. I just love it so much!

Next long weekend or break, I'm gonna learn how to do Adobe Photoshop. There's just so many buttons that I got really confused.

Also, I'd like to greet everyone a happy Valentines! I made this ecard. CLICK IT IF YOU DARE. But I swear it's amazing. You will meet my frog, named Frog. He doesn't have a name yet but I will tell you all when he finally does.

I don't know about you guys but I'm making masterpieces left and right and I love it. I think I'm a dank meme genius.
February 14th, 2016 at 04:57pm