I'm so Psyched to Be a Judge!


Special thanks to each of you who've entered my contest! I was so nervous that no one would be interested in it lol. I can't tell you how EXCITED I am to read your guys' stories omg.

For those of you who don't know, I've started a contest called Choose Your Zodiac Challenge. Basically, you enter the contest by "choosing your zodiac" and then I send you a secret lil prompt. With said prompt you write a one, two, or three-shot as part of the "challenge". I already got 10 entries on Friday, and just noticed a second ago that the last two spots were filled I'm crying.

I think I'm a little too hype for this haha.

There was no entry deadline, but all 12 spots are currently filled - entry can reopen if anyone is unable to submit or refuses to abide by Mibba's Story Guidelines blehhh. I'll let ppl know if it opens up again. Submission deadline in March 25th!

Good luck to everyone who's working on or beginning to work on your stories, have fun! Thank you sooooooo much for participating. Ya'll are awesome.

Later fam
February 16th, 2016 at 02:27am