I knew this would happen

I held myheartout on my hands

I hold my heart out way to much. Why can't I just keep it in my chest, forever. Never let any one close, never let any one touch it or even look at it. Because every time I take my heart out, it some how becomes broken or cracked. I'm sick of feeling like shit all the time. I try to give my heart out to people but it always seems to be hurt after wards. I feel like crying, I feel like ripping out my heart and screaming, "I don't need this any more, it's already dead.."

i was born with my heart my on my sleeve. My mother side of the family always put there heart out, always did. It's a habbit to give my heart out. And I need to break these habbits. Cause habbits suck.

Me: Why did you keep staring at me, at lunch?
Him: haha james told me that he made up that i liked u alot and told everyone else at our table, so they wanted me to go to ur table and ask u a pretty odd/rude question

I'm better off keeping my heart in a Metal Breif case, or under a lock and key. I'm sick of it getting ripped or cracked or even broken. I want to keep my heart together for once, and the first time I think I might be happy, it breaks again... Why am I crying? He's not worth my tears!! Why do I do this to myself? Get soo worked up over nothing... I wish love wasn't in my vocabulary...I wish I couldn't feel...

Jen Jen

And he knocked it over now it's
c r a c k e d
October 13th, 2007 at 03:46am