Strong Is the New Sexy

Being skinny is nice, being fit is great too, having a booty is fine, having boobs is perfectly acceptable, being overweight doesn't mean you're not beautiful...because you are. There is nothing wrong with having a bit of fat on your body.

But the one thing you want to know that is super sexy?
Being strong.

I am not talking about bodybuilder/gym-goer strong. Sure, being physically fit like them are great and all. But the best type of strong is emotionally strong. Where you are able to put a smile on to make things better. You're able to turn something negative around to focus on the positive and you don't tolerate negative thoughts or people to put you down for the rest of the day.

Life is way too short to worry about the negatives of life. You have the power to say, "I choose to think positive and be happy" and mean what you say! God gave everyone a purpose and He wants us to fulfill it, whatever it is.

So don't let anyone put you down. Live your life and don't let anyone control what you want to do!
March 10th, 2016 at 07:10pm