S.H.I.N.E Brighter Than the Stars

1.) Surround yourself with people who bring a positive vibe in your life. Don't let negativity get you down. Yes, it may be hard...well, very hard, trust me I get it. But like everything else it is a working process.

2.) Hiding in your emotions don't solve anything! You aren't protecting other people and their feelings, you aren't helping yourself to forget. If you never speak your mind you are only building up what is really bothering you on the inside.

3.) Introduce yourself to the people in your life that understand you. That being said, find a support group, a loved one, someone who can relate closely or completely to what you are going through.

4.) Navigate your renewed self. Being sick for so long you tend to forget and question on who you really are without the illness. You tend to forget who you were before the illness made a tight hold on you. Find hobbies and activities that interest you and bring you joy. Rediscover who you are as a person.

5.) Erase the past. Is there really any other way to word this one. Living to create a better future and enjoying the present is what one should be more focused on. If you only keep looking on the past then you will miss out on the great things in life.
March 18th, 2016 at 07:55pm