I Felt Like I Was Going to Die!

Hello Mibba friends!

So, I'm safely at my parents house. But the trip here was stressful! I live in Canada eh? So there was a winter storm warning all over the weather network for the past two or three days. Well, my man and our little boy live three hours away from my parents, and during the holidays we drive those three hours to spend it with them.

The weather is always good when we leave. I always make sure to leave on a sunny or cloudy day, always, because I have a little boy who just turned one in Feb and ever since becoming a mom, I'm very cautious.

Well, today was different, my man wanted to leave today to get the trip over with, and my dad said it would be best if we left today because all night tonight and all day tomorrow is going to be freezing rain and wet snow. Well, I reluctantly packed our bags and left. Only an hour or so in the car and my man was swerving. I said to him, "Why don't we just turn around and sat till Saturday?" But his reply was "At the speed we're going by the time we get back home, we would be at your parents place." So, we kept driving. Luckily we saw no over turned cars or anything and the roads were okay in some towns, but I was mostly worried about my guy falling asleep.

Jeff (my guy) works for the Military, and he was up at 5:30 this morning to go shooting. So he was tired, and he has this stupid tendency to doze off a little. And with a small child in the car it stresses me out. Well, add a winter storm and stupid drivers on the road (including Jeff), it's just an accident waiting to happen.

But thankfully we made it here safe and sound, five and half hours later! Now I just have to deal with my overbearing parents (mom mostly) over the weekend and get back home and back into our routine and not have my mother questioning and crying randomly over my little boy. ugh...

March 25th, 2016 at 02:48am