Starting Over

For the past 2 years of my inactivity on this site, I've gone through so much in my life. Losing friends, gaining new ones, getting my first job, going to prom graduating...The list just goes on. Now I'm here in my second semester of college. Boy, time sure flew by. It felt like yesterday I was writing about my problems here. Looking back at what I wrote, man I had some issues.

Throughout the rest of my years in high school, I have been 'busy' I was under pressure of being the eldest in the family, with weight on my shoulders, and a responsibility to get into college to support my family. This, and then dealing with the ACT's which made become a lazy person. I ended up doing my homework half-assed because I felt like I never had any free time to myself which explains why I left this site and

Ans so, I quit writing for the longest time. I had no motivation to continue so I stopped. But not this time! This time, I am going to continue writing again! It is my passion!
April 1st, 2016 at 08:29am