
It's hard when things start coming back.
As of right now, exam stress is creeping back up on me, and all of the progress I didn't try to make, but ended up making anyway, is slowly trickling down the drain. Each hour I waste puts me a little further behind in my schedule. My stomach aches with stress and strain, my fingers worry over pens I have yet to use. I keep waiting, or each cigarette I smoke to make it feel better, for something to happen to snap me out of it, yet I still feel dizzy.
Irritation is a sign of an anxiety attack, right?
I'm sleeping too much, eating too much. Stressing too much, and mentioning it in these few words too much.
But what can I do?
I feel so alone right now. I feel like I annoy everyone I talk to, everyone I look at. My clothes are the only thing getting smaller, along with my self esteem.
None of the music is striking the right chord with me right now.
I can't do the things I'm used to doing, because they're making it worse.
My vision is aching, like I'm sleep deprived, but I'm anything but.
I feel as though I'm underwater, and the water is getting thicker and thicker. I need a siphon, something to get rid of the thick smog that's clouding the pool I'm swimming in.
April 1st, 2016 at 10:31pm