That Weird Feeling.

Do you guys have this also? That weird (maybe even a bit sad) feeling when you lose a subscriber?
I just lost a subscriber on a story that didn't have any chapters yet. I reckon that person thought it was taking too long (although we blogged that it would be this weekend or so).

Now you might think: you had subscriber without them having read a word beside the introduction? You should be happy about that shouldn't you?


Yet I hope we won't lose the other 6 that have subscirbed already. The story will be uploaded somewhere today. It's on my to do list! I ASSURE YOU!

For the ones not knowing what crazy story I am talking about, here is the story trailer once more:

Please watch me?

And to go read the introduction (and possibly the first chapter once I upload it today:

All Out and Over.

Well let me know if you have ever experienced this!
April 2nd, 2016 at 09:47am