This Was a Mistake

No I'm not talking about a guy, for those of you thinking I'm talking about a guy.

This post is about one of my uncle's ex's. A family member of her's is in the hospital because of a bad car accident. Killed his girlfriend and its just one big mess.

Anyways I took care of her dogs and she about to have a yard sell and I told her I would help go through it if she wanted me to. She said that would be great and to collect all the lace (someone in her family is getting married). So I did that and wrote down was in the boxes and put a list on them.

She told me I could keep whatever I wanted. So I bagged up what I wanted and today when she was about to take me back home. I asked her if I could have that stuff I wanted, because she moved it.

She said no and then flipped out on me asking if I took anything. All I had was my bag and some hangers to help with storage in my closet. I gave her a disgusted look and said no. Then she was like, "yeah you can't have any of that." The man she renting from already doesn't like or trust me, because he thinks I would steal. I'm a good person damn it and I feel very isolated that he would say right away he didn't like me.

I was trying to help with the sell she going to have and about all that is going into the yard sell his the guy parents stuff. All but one house (uncle ex lives in the forth house) all the stuff is his parents stuff who have passed and were hoarders.

If that is what I get for trying to help, then screw them both. I know that sounds harsh and I think because she was drinking and was smoking whatever she smokes had a hand in this. But still I'm mad and I really did like the little watches there was. They didn't work, they were old and I like old looking stuff like that.

What do you all think about this?
April 14th, 2016 at 02:16am