We Are Losing Values

Hello, mibba.

My blog today is gonna be a bit of a rant so I understand if you don't want to continue reading this.

Okay, so why are there so many rude people out there? Like, seriously? I remember growing up one of the earlier form of habits my parents instilled in me was to say 'excuse me', 'thank you', 'I'm sorry', and 'please'. You know? Those simple magic words?

So why is it so hard for some people to even say those simple words?

For example, I was at the supermarket and I was innocently browsing through some canned food. I wasn't even in anyone's way, like I was standing really, really close to the shelf so people could still walk behind me because you know how cramped the isles at supermarkets can be. And then, out of nowhere, this woman came with her little kid and she walked over my foot with her trolley. I immediately turned around and apologized, just in case I was the one in the way. But then I realized that no one else was in the isle aside from the two of us, and there was still space for her to walk through without walking over my foot. I smiled anyway, because you know, a bit of politeness never hurt anyone. But then she had the nerve to look down on me (I was a bit shorter than her), made a face and walked away, her shoulder shoving my shoulder. All the while her kid was tailing behind her.

Like that kid was at that age where he's trying to copy everything he sees. What kind of value was she trying to show her son? Like, seriously? If that kid ends up growing up into a rude man, I'm not going to look far for someone to blame. This kind of education starts at home, guys!

And honestly, is it too hard to apologize? Just two syllables, 'sor-ry'. Like... 'sor-ry'... easy-peasy. And saying 'sorry' doesn't make you look weak. Being polite doesn't make you a loser. I'm just disappointed with society in general.

I have a lot more to say but apparently my brain decides to troll me and blank out on everything I'd composed in my head. So that's all from me for now.

Until then, see you later, meebs!

April 17th, 2016 at 06:58am